ABUNDANT = more space, money, time, freedom & focus
MINIMALISM = less clutter, no debt, fewer complications, obligations & distractions

Minimalist Hobbies: “reading” Audio Books

A tiny figure sits on earbuds reading a book, as a depiction of audio books.
Audio books are awesome!

This is the 2nd post of a series on the topic of minimalist hobbies: Audio Books

I love audio books!

Reading is a passion of mine, but sometimes other things get in the way of sitting down for long stretches to read a good book. Luckily someone invented audiobooks. It is so wonderful to be able to listen to a book while getting other things done.

I have had the pleasure of “reading” many books while:

  • driving or flying on long trips
  • taking long walks, jogging or doing other exercise
  • cleaning the house
  • doing creative activities (like crafts or drawing)

If the reader is especially good, such as Scott Brick, listening to a book feels like watching a movie. Sometimes there are even a few different people to read the various parts.

So if you love reading but can’t sit still, give audio books a try. Some are available for free from the local library, or by searching youtube.com. Audible.com is a great resource as is Amazon.com

Here are a couple of Sci Fi novels that I have enjoyed immensely (more than once):
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson

Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card (This is a special edition. I have the Scott Brick version.)

If you are interested in inspirational enlightenment,
Out of Your Mind by Allan Watts is amazing. (I also discussed this book here)

If you have some favourite audio books to recommend, please write in the comments section.

I’ve also written about some other amazing minimalist hobbies that you might enjoy:

I hope you enjoyed this post! Let me know what you think.

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