Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here.

If you’re new, let me start by briefly introducing the inspirational concept for this site. Here it is in a nutshell:
Abundant Minimalism is an opportunity to simply thrive by removing distractions to focus on living an epic life.
It’s about clearing space in our homes and schedules to concentrate on what’s most important to us. The wonderful thing is, when we stop wasting our time, money and energy on things that don’t really matter, we create lives with more savings, more space, more health, more happiness, and more clarity. Then there is nothing in the way of pursuing our greatest passions!
So you can see why I’m such a keen enthusiast of minimalism and the abundance it brings.
Take a Tour
If this is your first visit, please feel free to explore! Here are some great places to start if you are new to minimalism and it’s relationship to abundance.
- What is Abundant Minimalism?
- What is minimalist living?
- Why be a minimalist?
- An average day in the life of a minimalist
- What are the rules to being a minimalist?
- What are the benefits of minimalism?
- Does simplifying mean it’s wrong to have some really nice things?
- Do minimalists live in perpetual deprivation like monks or nuns?
- Are all minimalists vegans or vegetarians?
If you’re already familiar with minimalism & seek inspiration on your journey here are some of my
Most Popular Posts
- 9 Reasons why Minimalism is Sexy
- We’re having a Tossing Party and you’re invited
- Minimalism is not a Contest
- David England of Jackass regrets his litter pile
- The Elegant Paradox of Abundant Minimalism
- Less is More – Explained
- Does your stuff own you?
- Breaking up with our Stuff
- Hitting the Reset Button on Life
- 8 Ways Minimalism Benefits your Health
- Lyle Lovett’s Minimalist Manifesto
Thoreau knew the secret paradox of the incredible abundance that results from living more simply. He wrote, ”I am convinced, both by faith and experience, that to maintain one’s self on this Earth is not a hardship but a pastime, if we will live simply and wisely.” – Henry David Thoreau – Walden.
Abundant Minimalism is about reassessing the priorities of our precious lifetimes, to ensure that our freedom, health and happiness take precedence over accumulating material possessions. It’s about removing distractions to make more time available to explore meaningful passions and to focus our energy toward creating an epic life that impresses ourselves and inspires others.
Thank you so much for joining me and other and likeminded people on the journey to Abundant Minimalism! It’s a journey because it is an ongoing process of personal development to continue to refine our path and reduce the distractions in our lives. The goal of this site is to energize you to fulfill your dreams.
I encourage you to share your thoughts in the comments as these can stimulate people to promote abundant minimalism in the world. It only makes sense to pass on our good fortune and help others as we have been helped. It costs nothing to share this great information, so please do tell people about it!